Artistix Click to Download shareware version 288k
[Dot] Program - ARTISTIXArtistix Screenshot
[Dot] Machine - Any 1MB Amiga
[Dot] Type - Childrens Art Package
[Dot] Author - Andy Campbell
[Dot] Price - �4.99

A fun new art package for kids of all ages from 6 to 60, everyone will love using Artistix. It's chunky graphics and big tool-bar buttons are ideal for young artists, but don't let that put you off because there are loads of powerful tools and effects built-in that would put many commercial programs to shame.

There are over 170 separate tools and special effects including:

[Dot] Circles, Rainbow Circles, Blobs, Rainbow Blobs.
[Dot] SprayPaint, Straight Lines, Joined Up Lines.
[Dot] 19 different silly shapes.
[Dot] 19 crazy patterns.
[Dot] 12 messy paint tools.
[Dot] 13 flowers, plants.
[Dot] Colouring book.
[Dot] Backdrops.

The interface is very easy to use, but if you require help at anytime the program includes on-line help. Artistix was awarded 90% by Amiga User International in it's March'97 issue.